Course curriculum

  • 2

    About Spray Tanning

    • About Spray Tanning

  • 3


    • Contra-Indications

    • Contra-Indications Continued.

  • 4

    How Spray Tanning Works

    • How Spray Tanning Works

  • 5

    Skin Types

    • Skin Types

    • Skin Types Table

  • 6

    Patch Testing & Insurance

    • Patch Testing & Insurance

  • 7


    • Hygiene

  • 8


    • Preparation and use of Equipment

    • The Treatment Area.

    • PPE

  • 9

    The Treatment.

    • How To Perform The Treatment.

    • Spray Tan Before & After Care Advice.

    • Setting Up Your Spray Gun - Video

    • Application - Front Of Body.

    • Application - Back Of Body.

    • Application - Side Of Body.

    • Application - Feet and Hands.

    • Application Finishing Touches.

    • Application Video.

  • 10


    • FAQ's

  • 11

    Course Closure

    • Case Studies